Ads moved around bi-weekly to increase engagement

Quarter Board

Share a space with 1-3 other advertisers, hand selected, to ensure that you are not associated with competitors' advertisements. We will also exclude your advertisement from any competitors' locations.

8.5" x 11" Advertisement

HALF Board

Share a space with 1-2 other advertisers, hand selected, to ensure that you are not associated with a competitors' advertisements. We will also exclude your advertisement from any competitors' locations.

17" x 11" Advertisement

FULL Board

Have your own dedicated board to your advertisement, we will ensure that your advertisement is not placed in a location of a competitor.

17" x 22" Advertisement


OVER 10+ Locations

With our locations you will engage 10,000-30,000 impressions per month.

bi-weekly exchange

Every other week we will move your advertisement around to increase engagement.

Help local business

By working with us you support the local businesses.


We are always improving our technology and advancing techniques to deliver you more effective advertising.

Won't conflict

We will never place your advertisement inside or near another advertiser who is competing with you.


You will spend less advertising with us than any other local media, and our rates are firm.